Wilderness Survival
Socially distanced campout at Nobscot, Sudbury , MA
April 30, May 1 & 2
Picture: Cubjam 2019
Where: Nobscot, Sudbury, MA
1 Nobscot Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776
Arrive: 5:30 Friday April 30, Eat dinner before arriving
Pick up: Sunday 11:30am
Please feel free to come & go as needed for sports/other commitments
Avoid car pooling. Masks required.
Cost $29
Scouts will be solo in tents pitched close together for evening chatting. So if you have a small tent that would help
Continue working toward Cooking, Camping, and Wilderness Survival Merit Badges!!
Wilderness Survival
There are two main points as requirements for consideration of participation.
- Make sure you have screened your scouts for the following:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Feeling feverish or having a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0°F
Known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19
- Read Guidance Document and sign the Consent forms

All Scouting families and leaders are advised to download and read this guidance document before reopening Scouting.
Medical and Consent forms - This is very important!!
Scouts (and attending Adults) without these forms will not be allowed to participate. You can skip Medical forms if you submitted them last August/September time:
Medical Forms: Please ensure three paper copies of Part A and B only (no doctor signature needed) including a copy of your insurance card is delivered to Jen Joyce at 4 Fenton St no later than noon on Friday April 23.
Activity Consent Form: Please complete this form and email to Pinky Jose at pinkyjose1609@yahoo.com
Online COVID Form: On Saturday morning before you leave, please take a few minutes to complete our online COVID Form for your son.

Youth Protection and Safety:
Please read How to Guide for taking Youth Protection Training . After completion, email the certificate to Jo Greystone at jogreystonetroop4@gmail.com.
Limited food sharing, patrols will appoint a single grubmaster for each meal
- A designated Grubmaster adhering to safe food and socially distant practices.
- There will be hot water for hot chocolate, etc

If you have any questions or concerns contact the Patrol Advisors
New Scouts - Mr Fred Chaloux
Ice Dragons - Mr. Jose Luis Vela
Timberwolves - Mr. Ray Fryer, Mr Stewart Hanna,
Llamas - Mr Steve Distasio
Ducks - Mr. Mike Riley
Ender Dragons - Mr. Kul Thapa