Merit Badges - How to Get Started
14 Eagle Required Merit Badges and 7 elective Merit Badges are required for Eagle Rank. Scouts will work with an approved adult Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) to meet the requirements of the Merit Badge. Troop/Patrol classes, Merit Badge Universities, Summer Camp and Individual/Buddy sessions are all ways for a Scout to work on and earn a Merit Badge. A Blue Card is required for each Merit Badge and the Troop offers both Physical Blue Cards and Virtual Blue Cards.
Youth Protection Note: For any individual online or in person sessions, a third person must be present
therefore a buddy for individual Merit Badge work is strongly encouraged.
How to Get Started
Do not start work on a Merit Badge until step #4.
The very first step is to get approval from the Scoutmaster to start a Merit Badge by either asking the Scoutmaster for a Physical Blue Card or submitting a Virtual Blue Card request online. In some cases, both might be required and the table below provides guidance.
A list of Troop 4 Merit Badge Counselors is here
2. If an MBC was not defined when the Blue Card was created, the Troop's Advancement Chair will assign an MBC and provide you with contact information.
3. Meet with the assigned MBC to:
Discuss expectations and determine a plan for completing the Merit Badge
Ask your MBC if a workbook is required and if so, to provide a recommended format.
Ask your MBC if they will use a Virtual Blue Card or the Physical Blue Card to finally approve your work. If you do not have the appropriate Blue Card, submit an additional request for the one that the MBC will use.
4. Start working on the Merit Badge.
Touch base with your MBC at least once a month.
NOTE: Do not complete requirements directly in Scoutbook. Your MBC or the Advancement Chair are the only ones to enter completed requirements in Scoutbook.
Parental Merit Badge Counseling Policy
Merit Badge Counselors (MBCs) are adult volunteers that offer their time to help Scouts explore areas of interest and to advance. Many leaders and parents become merit badge counselors in areas they have experience with to contribute to the troop. There are times when a Scout may ask their parent to counsel them on a merit badge.
The following conditions are acceptable for when a parent may counsel their Scout on a merit badge:
The parent is offering a merit badge class to 3 or more scouts such as in a patrol or at a troop campout or event
There are no other counselors for that merit badge in the troop and the Scout has obtained explicit approval from the Scoutmaster before starting the merit badge
Merit Badge Pamphlets
Merit badge pamphlets are guidebooks to assist Scouts in completing merit badge requirements. Use of pamphlets is not mandatory but are highly recommended. See the Troop 4 Librarian to borrow from the Troop's collection of pamphlets. You can also purchase your own from the Scout Store in Southborough MA or order online from including online versions.
Digital Merit Badge Pamphlets NEW!
The BSA has recently introduced new digital pamphlets for about 20 merit badges including all of the Eagle Required merit badges. These are interactive versions of the traditional paper pamphlets. They contain more material than the printed pamphlet, as well as multimedia and interactive content and can be used from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Click here to watch an informational YouTube video about the new Digital Merit Badge pamphlets.
Merit Badge Resources
Merit Badge Opportunities
For Scouts looking for opportunities to earn Merit Badges outside of the Troop & Summer Camp offerings, here are some possibilities:
Mayflower Council (March 1, 22 2025)
Spirit of Adventure Council in-person (Woburn office or at the New England Basecamp site in Milton)
WPI Merit Badge University (November of every year)
Heart of New England Council (this was their 2024 edition)
Merit Badge Sash
The merit badge sash is like a trophy case you can wear. The sash is the place to display merit badges and activity or special event patches and insignia. Each tiny circle represents one of more than 130 interest areas a Boy Scout has conquered.
Sash's may be purchased online from or at the Scout Store in Southborough.
High Adventure Patches
Placed them on right-sleeve of the Class-A Scout shirt below the Patrol patch.