Eagle Project Process

Have an Idea for an Eagle Scout Project?

Researching an Eagle Project

The first step that you will need to take is to determine what Eagle Project you want to do.  Pick something that you are passionate about.  The project should stretch your leadership skills and benefit the community.  As you are researching ideas also have a backup option in the event that the first one does not work out (which can happen for any number of reasons).

Depending upon the complexity of the project, it is likely to take 4-8+ months to complete.  Keep in mind that the process for proposing a project and getting it approved is likely to be at least 2 months and can easily take more time if refinement is needed.

Subject Matter experts for Consultation

Carpentry/ Woodwork, Structures with roofing

Sustainability, Rain Gardens

Trail work+signage,  Conservation

Copywriting, Social Media, Web design and Web Campaigns

Design, Digital presence, Storyboarding + Video Editing, Multicolored Signage with technical specifications

NOTE: All email communications must come from the Eagle Candidate (not the parents)

A - Starting your Paperwork, Project, and Letters of Reference 

2) Start tracking the hours that you and anyone else spend on the Project

3) Complete the Project Proposal 

4) After email approval confirmation from Council, begin your project and/or fundraising

5) Request Letters of Reference

6) Complete the Project

7) Complete your Project Report

B - Eagle Scout Application + Statement

1) Complete Eagle Scout Application

2) Write Your Eagle Scout Promise and Statement

C - Submission for Eagle Board of Review 

The Scout should email documents listed below with a copy to Mrs. Donahue who will then forward the Letters of Reference to the District.  Alternatively, if the Scout desires a final Troop review, they may email the 3 documents to Mrs. Donahue where she will review, provide feedback if necessary and then forward to the Council and District on the Scout's behalf.

1) Mayflower Council - eaglescoutapplicationsubmission@mayflowerbsa.org 


2) Headwaters District -  headwatersadvancement@mayflowerbsa.org

After the Council and District have reviewed the documents, the Parents 

will hear from the Council to schedule an Eagle Board of Review

Planning Checklist + SAFETY


Service Project Planning Checklist

The safety of our Scouts, volunteers, employees, and communities is our top priority. This checklist can be used for all Scouting service projects. The checklist is not an added requirement for an Eagle Scout service project.


SAFE Project Tool Use

Scouts and their parents expect all Boy Scouts of America activities to be conducted safely. To ensure the safety of participants, the Boy Scouts of America expects leaders to use the four points of SAFE when delivering the Scouting program.