Labor Day Camping, Hiking & Whitewater rafting
Labor Day Weekend Camping (2 nights), Hiking and Whitewater Rafting
1st Year Scout parents are welcome!!
Meet at CVS parking lot: 6am. Saturday, Sept. 1st and depart around 6:30am (eat or back breakfast before leaving)
Drive to Mt Greylock to Jones Nose Trailhead for a 7.5 mile hike to the summit, have lunch and back
Sunday, Sept. 2nd , 11 am: Rafting on whitewater rapids, on the Deerfield River system.
Return home: ETA 1 pm, Monday, Sept. 3rd 2018
Cost: $128 per scout
Where: Mohawk Trail State Forest, Cold River Road, Charlemont, MA 01339
What: Camping at Mohawk Trail State Forest, Whitewater Rafting on Deerfield River, cook-off, campfire
Earn: Climb Mt Greylock and earn one of six highest peaks of New England patch
Required: Waivers for trip must be signed by Parent / Guardian. Please also sign the online waver sent in the email.
Gear: See Scout Handbook, pack for overnight stay in tents ie sleeping bag and mat.
Clothing and change (zero cotton!!!!! No jeans, no cotton shirts etc)
Hiking boots for the hike( or suitable footwear)
Swim gear and toe covered water shoes or camp shoes for rafting
Towel or camp towel
Second pair of shoe’s just in case it’s wet
toiletries (normal hygiene stuff)
Sleeping mat
Sleeping bag
Pillow if you want (inflatable or since we are car camping regular also works)
Mess kit - plate, spork, mug ( mug can act as bowl or bring bowl)
Head lamp
Pocket knife (every Scout needs a pocket knife
For day hike
Day pack for hike, water bottles (2x nalgene) or camel pack for at least 2 liters of water
Rain coat
Personal 1st aid kit
Hat, sunscreen, bug spray
Hand sanitizer
Hiking poles (optional)
Note: We have walk-in campsites (320 ft) from parking area
Berkshire Rafting Waiver

Trip Flier