Resources & Policies
Useful Links
Trips and Events
Activity Consent Form for Parents - Required for every trip
Patrol-Crew Planning Template - Meals, duty roster, tenting
Troop 4 Camperships - Financial Assistance
Gear & 10 Essentials
After Returning from a Trip
Campout Gear Care + Return Checklist - Fill and return with gear
Reimbursement Forms Download
Scouting Safely
Troop 4_Code_of_Conduct - To be read and signed by each Scout
BSA Scouter Code of Conduct - For Adult leaders
BSA Youth Protection Training - Mandatory for all adults (18+)
Scouts and Parents/Guardians are required to read, sign, and return the Code of Conduct Form

Parents of Grubmasters, send food expenses with receipts to the Treasurer and make sure to include your name, email and phone number. Drivers may submit for mileage at the rates defined in the Expense Reimbursement Policy.

Merit Badge Counseling
Merit Badge counselors are adult volunteers that offer their time to help Scouts explore areas of interest and to advance. Many leaders and parents become merit badge counselors in areas they have experience with to contribute to the troop. There are times when a Scout may ask their parent to counsel them on a merit badge.
The following conditions are acceptable for when a parent may counsel their Scout on a merit badge:
The parent is offering a merit badge class to 3 or more scouts such as in a patrol or at a troop campout or event
There are no other counselors for that merit badge in the troop and the Scout has obtained explicit approval from the Scoutmaster before starting the merit badge