Philmont Shakedown #2
Upton State Forest to Fruit Street Scout Parcel Land
June 12 - 13, 2021
Picture: Philmont Prep Hike, Milford Bike Trailhead
Upton State Forest to Fruit Street
Where: Upton State Forest to Fruit St Scouts parcel.
Drop off: Saturday June 12 – Philmont Crews start hike at Upton State Park @ 9AM Saturday finishing at Fruit St Scouts parcel (7.5 miles) for camp set up.
Pick-up: Philmont crew on Sunday June 13th from Fruit St sports complex @ 9am
Pick up for non-Philmont participants at 12:30pm same day at Fruit St sports complex.
Driving Arrangements: Drop off and pick up scouts, please double check times and places above.
Cost $6 only for Philmont Crew and parents - includes 1 meal, trail snacks
Avoid car pooling. Masks required.
Arrive Saturday after a hearty breakfast and bring bag lunch for trail.
We will be tenting separately. Bring your own tent or plan on packing one of the troop's tents along with you.
Please prioritize this outing so that the crews will get practice.
Continue working toward Cooking, Camping, and Hiking Merit Badges!!
There are two main points as requirements for consideration of participation.
- Make sure you have screened your scouts for the following:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Feeling feverish or having a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0°F
Known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19
- Read Guidance Document and sign the Consent forms

All Scouting families and leaders are advised to download and read this guidance document before reopening Scouting.
Medical and Consent forms - This is very important!!
Scouts (and attending Adults) without these forms will not be allowed to participate. You can skip Medical forms if you submitted them last August/September time:
Medical Forms: Please ensure three paper copies of Part A and B only (no doctor signature needed) including a copy of your insurance card is delivered to Jen Joyce at 4 Fenton St no later than noon on Friday June 4.
Activity Consent Form: Please complete this form and email to Pinky Jose at
Online COVID Form: On Friday May 21st morning before you leave, please take a few minutes to complete our online COVID Form for your son.

Youth Protection and Safety:
Please read How to Guide for taking Youth Protection Training . After completion, email the certificate to Jo Greystone at
Limited food sharing, patrols will appoint a single grubmaster for each meal
- A designated Grubmaster adhering to safe food and socially distant practices.
- There will be hot water for hot chocolate, etc

If you have any questions or concerns contact the Patrol Advisors
New Scouts - Mr Fred Chaloux
Ice Dragons - Mr. Jose Luis Vela
Timberwolves - Mr. Ray Fryer, Mr Stewart Hanna,
Llamas - Mr Steve Distasio
Ducks - Mr. Mike Riley
Ender Dragons - Mr. Kul Thapa