Overnight Pioneering Camp 

Socially distanced campout at Camp Resolute , Bolton, MA

Oct 23-25

Picture: BSA magazine 

Where: Camp Resolute, Bolton, MA

75 Hudson Rd Bolton, MA 01740

Oct 23-25 

Cost: $40

Socially distanced campout 

Patrol Style cooking

Campout Overview - Camping for two nights starting Friday after dinner, join camp for Dessert, meals planned by the patrol and cooked by a designated Grubmaster adhering to safe food and socially distant practices.  Parents will drop off after dinner on Friday and pick up scouts Sunday afternoon - no carpooling.   

Work toward Cooking, Camping, and Pioneering Merit Badges!!




There are two main points as requirements for consideration of participation.


All Scouting families and leaders are advised to download and read this guidance document before reopening Scouting.

Medical and Consent forms - This is very important!!

Scouts (and attending Adults) without these forms will not be allowed to participate:


Youth Protection and Safety:

Parents attending a trip must complete this free training offered at https://my.scouting.org

Please read How to Guide for taking Youth Protection Training . After completion, email the certificate to Jo Greystone at jogreystonetroop4@gmail.com.

So, given those fundamental requirements, here are the details with guidelines bolded.


Limited food sharing, patrols will appoint a single grubmaster for each meal

Council Regulations for Camping at Resolute

If you have any questions or concerns contact the Patrol Advisors